Want to help us with our fundraising?

Want to help us with our fundraising?


It’s as easy as 1-2-3


There’s 2 options.

Option 1:

Fundraise through our JustGiving page. Just click this link to be taken to The Jamie G Sporting Trust page and follow the steps.

Option 2:

  1. Drop us a line at info@jamiegsportingtrust.org and tell us all about your idea so that we can see if you need our help
  2. Once we’ve spoken, download our Fundraising form by clicking here fill it in and email it to Jacqui Gentleman on info@jamiegsportingtrust.org  so that we know what’s happening.
  3. We can then show you how to set up online web pages, add your event to our web page and give you a hand to design posters and tickets if you need it.  We want to make sure everyone is talking about it.
  4. Download and complete our Gift Aid Form. Once completed, email to info@jamiegsportingtrust.org The Government will give us an extra 20% on top of your donation, it costs you nothing. Every penny counts!


If you need ideas – Let’s start with a couple of ideas to inspire you

  • Hold a coffee morning
  • Have your head shaved
  • Hold a fun day
  • Put on a quiz night
  • Take part in a sponsored event
  • Get everyone to wear sports kit for the day and pay to do it
  • Arrange a teachers against pupils match or sports day
  • Organise a karaoke competition
  • Get all the teams you usually play against and have a football tournament
  • Wash cars (in fancy dress if you fancy)
  • Hold a talent show or a battle of the bands
  • Put on a concert using the Music Department at school

One of the major bonuses of fundraising is just that……it’s fun so enjoy yourselves!
Your ideas don’t have to be ground-breaking they simply have to inspire people and once everyone knows it’s a fundraiser for The Trust, the word will spread and you’ll have a fantastic event everyone will enjoy!


Donate Here

By Post
Please do not send cash by post. Send a cheque, postal order or Charity Aid Voucher (CAF voucher) www.cafonline.org to:

The Jamie G Sporting Trust
18a Humberstone Road
Hants SP10 2EJ

All cheques, postal orders or CAF vouchers should be made payable to ‘The Jamie G Sporting Trust’.

Many thanks for your support and your donation will be put to good use helping sporting opportunities for the young.